Do you like to fish? Do you like to catch lots of fish? Do you enjoy a friendly contest among fellow club members? Would you like a chance to fish, have a picnic and enjoy stories about what others used to catch fish? Can you afford $0 for a fantastic picnic lunch, with refreshments? (Yes, it is FREE!)

Well if you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you’ll enjoy coming to 1 or more of our summer Fish Ins!

Note: Please join us, it is a lot of fun!

2023 Fish-Ins

All the winner awards for the top 10 boats for the fish-ins will be given out at the GLSF Awards Banquet on a date yet to be determined! I hope to see you all there for the award presentation. The Trophies are handed out at each Fish In for first, second and third place for the Junior Division, only!

If you plan on fishing and staying for lunch, please remember, YOU MUST call or Text Brian Haydin at 414-704-0755, before 8 pm on Thursday, for your food reservation! He needs to know your name, your boat’s name and how many crew members you’ll have, including listing those 12 years old or younger.

Tightlines to All and Best of Luck to All,

Brian Haydin and John Klett – Chairpersons – Fish-In Committee

Click Here for the 2023 rules and details. They are the Same as 2022!

The Dates for the 2022 Fish Ins are:

Sunday, May 242nd – (5 am start) –  Completed

Sunday, June 26th  – (4 am start) – Completed

Sunday, July 24th – (4 am start) – Completed

Sunday, August 21st (5 am start)  – 

Click Here for a clip of our own Kayak Fishing Guys from the last Fish-in of 2011!

Click Here for the Final Standings for the 2019 Season

Click Here for the Final Standings for the 2018 Season

Click Here for the Final Standings for the 2017 Season

Click Here for the Final Standings for the 2016 Season

Click Here for the Final Standings for the 2015 Season

Click Here for the Final Standings for the 2014 Season

Click Here for the Final Standings for the 2013 Season

Click Here for the Final-Corrected Standings for the 2012 Season

Click Here for the August 28th and FINAL Standings for 2011…

Click Here for the August 29th and FINAL Standings for 2010…

Click Here for the August 30th and FINAL Standings for 2009…

If you’d like your cooler to look like some of the following pictures while enjoying our club’s members hospitality and sharing of information, please join us.