Great News Everyone!

The Milwaukee Great Lakes Sport Fishermen Club, LLC has formed another organization to help us in our charitable and fishing education efforts. We are now recognized as Milwaukee Great Lakes Sport Fishermen Foundation, LLC.

We have received our federal EIN, identifying us as a tax free, educational and benevolent organization. Anyone wishing to make a donation to our Foundation to favor their tax deductions, can now do so. They just need to make sure that the donation is directed to our Foundation. Donations to the Foundation can not result in any benefits to the recipients, other than an acknowledgement of their generous donation. All donations to the Foundation will be acknowledged with a written receipt given to the donating party, with our Club’s gratitude.

We will continue to offer Associate Memberships to our Fishing Club, where we provide advertising to those people wanting more visibility through our club. These memberships do not qualify for the 501 (c)(3), tax free, benefits.

If you know of any company or sponsor who wishes to make a donation to our organization, please contact a GLSF Board Member. The members of the new Foundation Board of Directors are the same as the Board members of our Club. Starting with the March meeting, we will take a few minutes to discuss Foundation fundamentals at each meeting. The Foundation will also have a column in our newsletter, The Tightline.

This is a big step for our club members and the club itself. With the Foundation in place, we can now seek corporate sponsorship for our activities and hopefully obtain larger donations for more and larger projects. We can also consider applying for grant money for any large project we may want to tackle.

Suggestions are always welcomed. By navigating to the Contact Us tab, you will have E Mail access to the Board of Directors!

Look for more data on our Foundation in the near future!