We are happy to announce our 4th annual Free Fishing Clinic to be held on Saturday, March 30th. Registration is Closed!

Click this link to get the Seminar Poster with all the details.

Seminar Registration is now closed.

The lunch option has expired. You may purchase your own lunch as time permits.

The 3rd Annual free fishing l GLSF Free Fishing Clinic was held on Saturday, March 25th. Guest presenters were Dan Keating and Dan Small. We had about 100 people show up on a ridiculously snowy Morning with 10 inches reported in New Berlin! To our host the New Berlin Ale House, all of our patrons, our seminar leaders and fantastic vendors, WE tip our hats and extend a hearty Wisconsin Thank You! The date for 2024’s Free Seminar is Saturday, March 30, 2024, at the New Berlin Ale House! The option to purchase the Italian buffet lunch has been disabled to provide the Ale House the total buffet headcount.