Please choose an issue and follow the link to obtain more information.

  • Officials set to stock Atlantic Salmon in Lake Huron | The Outdoor Journal
  • Wisconsin Sea Grant is in the process of updating our strategic plan for 2010-14 and developing the plan for 2014-18. We are soliciting input for both the update of the current plan and development of the next four-year plan. Are there Great Lakes fishery or other issues we have not identified that could benefit from Sea Grant-sponsored research, education or outreach efforts?Our current plan is consists of four broad areas of effort – Healthy Coastal Ecosystems, Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture, Sustainable Coastal Development and a general category of Wisconsin Issues. I have attached two sections – Healthy Coastal Ecosystems and Sustainable Fisheries– that most directly address Lake Michigan and Lake Superior fish and fishing issues. I also included with each section the related projects we have funded over the last four years. The entire 2010-14 plan is available online at our website: 2014-18 plan will include a new effort area specifically devoted to education called Education and Workforce Development.Your comments, submitted to me or online via ( by July 30, will help direct our strategy for the coming six years including directions and topics for research as well as outreach needs. Further, your comments will help us develop our call for research proposals which will be issued late this fall.Thank you for your time and comments.


     Philip Moy
    Assistant Director for Research and Outreach
    Fisheries and Invasive Species Specialist
    Aquatic Sciences Center
    1975 Willow Dr.
    Madison, WI 53706-1177
    P: (608) 263-5133
    C: (920) 901-6699
    F: (608) 262-0591
  •  Please attend the Annual Wisconsin Conservation Congress Hearings being held in your County on Monday, April 11th!
    • Click here to Go to the Wisconsin Conservations Congress home page on our Department of Natural Resources website.
    • Please attend the meeting on April 11th!

Asian Carp –

    • Click Here to read about Michigan’s Request for Help!
    • Click Here to read the actual testimony from Matt Frank to President Obama’s Commission
    • Click Here to read about Hansen written testimony about Asian carp