Today was the First Annual Kenosha Coho Classic. It is the second stop of the 7 stop 2012 SW Lake Michigan Salmon Series. I do not know who won the Tournament, yet, but I hope to learn soon. As soon as I have that information, I will post it on the GLSF Website for all to see. I hope to learn the winners of the SW Lake Michigan Salmon Series contest itself, as well. Congratulations to all of the participants and especially to all of the winners!

Next Up, The Morris Open at Northpoint Marina next Saturday, June 23rd. Here is the link to further information on this contest! June 23, 2012 – Morris Open Tournament – Northpoint, IL

To all of the Milwaukee GLSF Members, I have a question. Why did our club spend $1500 to upgrade our website and Fishing Reports Forum, when no one wants to post their Fishing Report to our forum? I see current members posting their fishing reports on Lake Link, but they are not posting anything on our specific Forum? It isn’t any harder than Lake Link, you have to login to either one to post a message, so why not post it here and share your information with fellow GLSF Club members!

Don’t forget, out next Club Fish-In/Picnic is on Sunday, July 1st and it will start at 4am. Remember to contact Kurt if you plan on participating, or there may not be enough lunch for everyone!! Click Here for all of the rules and details…

Tight Lines and Heavy Coolers!