Well if you did not attend the Open House today down in Lincoln Park in Racine, you missed quite a bit. They had seminars, fishing tips and even a boat so you could get hands-on experience. They also had food and fish samples, which were being served.

The purpose was to introduce people to the collection facility there on the Root River, where they collect fish eggs and milt for raising into small fish at the DNR hatcheries for planting into Lake Michigan. Today they collected quite a bit of them.

There were many fish of different species. There were Rainbows and Brown Trout of various sizes and there was certainly Coho and Chinook salmon of larger sizes. What I found amazing was that the salmon for the most part, was not very dark in color and were probably still good table fair. The other observation was that the numbers that were there last year, trying to enter the fish ladder from the river were not there this year. While there was an adequate sample, it was not the abundance we saw last year!

If you missed it, please watch for the Open House again next October on the 2nd Saturday. It will be held, rain or shone, just like this year and past years!

Thank You to Racine SU, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Kenosha Sport Fishing and Conservation Association, Trout Unlimited, Sweet Water and the Root-Pike Watershed Initiative Network for hosting this great educational event!