All GLSF Members, please remember while you’re out fishing this season, that our club runs to local contests all summer long. The first one is the Fish of the Month, where the largest fish of a specific species for a stated month is chosen to win an award for than month. For April and May, the Fish of the Month is Brown Trout.

To register your catch for this is easy, once the cleaning station at McKinley Marina is opened up for the season. Once it is opened  there is a hanging digital scale and a plastic writing desk located within the station on the east side of the cleaning table. You weigh you catch, get a form from the writing desk, record the weight and have it witnessed by your fishing partner. You keep the pink copy of the form and place the original white copy into the slot on the writing desk. About once a week, Dick Hanson will pick them up, record them and get them to me to place them on this website. Until the station opens, you have to drive to R&R sports in Cudahy and have Roger Stack weigh your fish for you. For those folks who keep their boats moored at the marina, there is also another digital scale at the McKinley gas dock. The gas dock attendant is more than happy to help you weigh your catch, record it and he will hold the form until Dick arrives, so that you do not have to always go to the cleaning station.

The other portion of the Ongoing Contest is the members only contest that runs from April 1st through October 31st. For this contest, there are rules published in the Member’s Handbook and 2 divisions, one for adults and one for kids up through age 16. Here the 3 largest fish of each of the 5 species caught over the season win an award at our March Awards Banquet. There is also awards for the Captain’s catch that weighs the most (heaviest weight of all 5 fish species caught on your boat) and awards for Grand Slams, all 5 species caught on one fishing outing.

We hope to have a high level of participation from our members as this is a free activity for our members and their families, only.