Hello Everyone,

We have about 80,000 Chinook Salmon being delivered for 2013 stocking on Monday, May 6th. To accommodate their delivery and help protect them until they safely make it to the open waters of Lake Michigan, we need to place both of our net pens at the Sailing Center. We will be doing this next Sunday, May 5th at 1 pm. We need 12-16 volunteers, helpers and interested individuals, so please plan on showing up to help if you are free.

Theses baby salmon that are now planted in substantially lower numbers than in the past, could use the protection the pens afford them to help them survive their first 24-36 hours in Lake Michigan. Remember, it is these salmon that will potentially return to their planted place in the Lake 4 years from now, or the Fall of 2016. If you’d like to see more large 4 year old fish continue to return the the port of Milwaukee, please consider coming down to the Sailing Center next Sunday, May 5th, at 1 pm. Any questions can referred to the Net Pen Chairman, Jim Wolfe at jim@glsfclub.com or by calling him at 414-510-2931.

Hope to see YOU next Sunday, May 5th at 1 pm!