Fishing Has No Boundaries

Another great outing with our friends from Fishing Has No Boundaries. Good weather ( so far) and good friends. We will let you know about the fishing, but I hear it is adequate. Thank You to all of the volunteers who make this possible.

Net Pen Reminder!

Hello GLSF Members, Please remember that we have about 80,000 Chinook Salmon being delivered on Monday and they need a place to safely rest before they are turned out into the Lake on Tuesday evening. We will be assembling and placing both net pens at 1 pm tomorrow, Sunday, May 5th, at the Milwaukee Community…

The Chinooks Are Coming May 6th!

Hello Everyone, We have about 80,000 Chinook Salmon being delivered for 2013 stocking on Monday, May 6th. To accommodate their delivery and help protect them until they safely make it to the open waters of Lake Michigan, we need to place both of our net pens at the Sailing Center. We will be doing this…

Another Swap Meet Scheduled for May 14th

After a drenching and freezing Swap Meet Tuesday, April 9th, which was lightly attended, we have decided to try it again at the next meeting. We are hoping for drier weather and it will be warmer when we hold the “make-up” Swap Meet on Tuesday, May 14th. We will host the Swap Meet from 5…

DNR Hearings at 7 pm Monday, April 8th!

This is another reminder for all Wisconsin Sportsmen. This coming Monday, April 8th, at 7 pm, in all 72 Counties, the WI DNR will host their annual public hearings. This is your chance to provide your input and opinions to help them make their difficult decisions. Please consider attending the hearing location in your county!…